• June 14, 2020

    Series: Misc Sermons

    Speaker: Jeff Patton

    Most are very well aware of what is going on in the world today. Lately when one sees the news we only see the bad news. Bad news is what sells, thus the reason of seeing it all the time. Now many times many want to rise up and take… read more

  • June 7, 2020

    Series: Misc Sermons

    Speaker: Bo Thomas

    There are some that don’t believe in Heaven, Hell, God, or even a devil. Some believe that when you die you’re just like a dog and simply just go back to the ground. When people die and folks say that someone is looking down on them, that’s a lie. Some… read more

  • June 7, 2020

    Annual communion and foot washing services being held at New Providence Primitive Baptist Church, June 2020.

  • June 7, 2020

    Series: Misc Sermons

    Speaker: Tommy Boring

    Once you see that you’re helpless without God then you’re getting closer to Him. The proud are not heard from God. There are those that think they can do things but they are nothing in the great scheme of things. One person only lives in their single generation. The world… read more

  • June 6, 2020

    Series: Misc Sermons

    Speaker: Bruce Whitehead

    We see the things that are taking place in our country today where we know that people do know this scripture or obey it. In Genesis 6, the world was full of evil and God did not like what it had become. He found one man, Noah that still had… read more

  • June 5, 2020

    Series: Misc Sermons

    Speaker: Randall Roller

    The title is said multiple times through out the Bible. Did you know that the Bible is the most sold book in the world and yet it’s the most unread. A lot of people when they attend a church they take what the preacher says as being truth. This is… read more