Planning a visit and have no idea what to expect? We understand and we hope to answer some of your questions before you come.
- When do you have a service to which I can attend and what should I expect?
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We have services three times a week, twice on Sunday and once on Wednesday. On Sundays, we begin at 9:30 am and sing a few songs. We are then dismissed to Sunday School where we dive deep into the scriptures. Each age group has its dedicated class but you are free to enter any class you’re comfortable with. After Sunday School is dismissed, we begin our worship service at 11:00 am. We will usually sing a few songs, have our children sing, ask for any special singing, and then the preaching begins. Service is mostly finished around 12:30 – 1:00 pm.
Sunday Evening and Wednesday services are about the same as our Sunday Morning services with the exception of Sunday School. Sunday Evening services begin at 6:00 pm while our Wednesday services begin at 7:00 pm to allow for those that work to attend.
- Your name says Primitive Baptist, what does this mean?
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We belong to a small association of other churches. This association is named, The Original Tennessee Association of Primitive Baptists. You may read more about that within the OTAPB. We are not affiliated with the typical “hard-shelled” primitive Baptists. Our basic belief is similar to that of the Southern Baptist. The main difference between our churches and the Southern Baptists is that we practice both communion & foot washing. You can find those services within the Services section if you would like to witness one of them.
- I’ve got children and they can sometimes be loud. Can they sit with me during service?
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YES! By all means please bring your children. Don’t feel embarrassed by your child’s behavior. Children are children and do not understand the atmosphere they are in. This is why it’s important to bring them up and teach them the way they must go (Proverbs 22:6). We also feel that a quiet church is a dead church. We do offer a nursery room that you may find helpful for privacy if you need it. It’s equipped with a TV that shows the live service so you will not miss a thing. Ask one of our greeters as you enter if you feel that you may need it during the service.
- What should I wear?
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We have no dress code other than casual. Blue jeans and T-shirts are fine with us! We do preach and teach, however, that our dress should honor the Lord and follow the Bible.
- What version of bible do you use?
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We teach and preach from the King James Version (KJV). We believe that for the English-speaking people, it is the inspired, preserved Word of God.
- Your music, what style is it and should I bring earplugs?
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We hear this often and want you to know that loudness is not what we want. We typically sing from the old Red Hymnal during our congregational songs. We are accompanied by piano and bass guitar, with the occasional acoustic guitar. During our services, it’s asked for special singing, and at that time we have members/visitors that will sing at times. These songs are sometimes sung with a soundtrack but are no more loud than the typical hymns that are sung.
- What type or style of preaching will I hear?
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This is a very good question and is hard to answer in this small area. We will begin by stating that we feel that preaching comes from God, through the preacher. His style or type can be different at times depending upon the nature of the man standing and what God has chosen to give him.
Our Pastor’s style of preaching is usually verse by verse. We do have visiting preachers on occasion and their style might be slightly different than our pastor. We encourage all to listen or even watch a few of the services that we have posted to get a good example.
- What’s your average attendance size?
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Like with most churches, we, unfortunately, struggle with church attendance through the week’s services. Sunday mornings are our largest crowd and Wednesdays are our smallest. On a typical Sunday morning, we average between 80-100, Sunday evenings are usually down by about half, then Wednesdays are down another half to about 30-40 in attendance.
- Do you have a teen program?
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We do! We have several teens in our church and are extremely proud of them and what they offer. We try to include them in many things as with all of our children. Some help with the offerings and others help lead singing and play instruments. We usually plan outings and youth retreats where they can grow not only in Christ but with a firm relationship with their peers.
- How long has NPPBC been around?
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The church you see today is a rebuilt structure from the original building. The original building was built in 1932. As membership and attendance grew, the original building became smaller, thus the building you see today was built in 1969. While the structure and name were established in 1932, the church belongs to a small association, The Original Tennessee Association of Primitive Baptists. The association was established in 1802. You may read more about the church and association within the about pages.
- Do you have a particular leader?
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While we believe that the church itself is the final authority in all matters of church government, we realize God has given us a pastor to lead us. He is assisted by the deacons of the church.
- I still have questions. Who can I contact to get an answer?
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Easy enough, just simply fill out the contact form. Someone will reply to you ASAP.