The title is said multiple times through out the Bible. Did you know that the Bible is the most sold book in the world and yet it’s the most unread. A lot of people when they attend a church they take what the preacher says as being truth. This is because most don’t know what the truth is.
- Lust of the eyes
- Pride of life
- Lust of the flesh
In this scripture the devil stated several times, “it is written” to try to trick Jesus. The truth is that he twisted up what is actually written. The devil knows what the truth is but he twists it to tickle our ears. There will be many “bibles” written by some person where they change it and twist it to make it sound better, more appealing to our flesh. In the end the truth will never be changed and what God has said is what God has said. God’s word has been preserved within the Holy Bible and nothing else written or said will ever change it.
1 John 2:16-17
Jesus was there in the beginning and He will be there in the end. He sits on the right hand of God and makes intercession for His children to the Father.
1 Cor 11:27-30
One can’t have knowingly sinned and take of the communion willingly and be okay.