A Den Of Thieves

November 29, 2023

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Mark 11:15-19

We must all be honest with ourselves. Our flesh is sinful and must be put under subjection under God. When you attend church do you attend because of an obligation? If you’ve attended because of an obligation then you’ve turned His house into something other than a house of prayer. You’ve stolen from God, a thief. We should be coming to God’s house ready to pray, rid ourselves of sins, praise, and worship. We shouldn’t come waiting on someone else’s praise or worship. We rob from God when we come to church unwilling to be ready to worship Him. Stop depending on the elderly to uphold the church service. Stop depending on another member to uphold the service. Ask God to use you for what He wants to happen. We should have to be begged to come to an altar. We should be begged to work for God. The altar should be used at all times. Be respectful in God’s house. Using God’s house as a shortcut, missing Sunday School and the Wednesday night service and only attending Sunday service. Some think that Sunday morning is enough. Yet, we blame all of our troubles on other things instead of looking into ourselves.

Grace has been beaten up and put down because people think they can be saved and live like the devil. Grace isn’t a ticket just to get into Heaven. Stop abusing God’s grace to do what you want.