September 22, 2024
Series: Misc Sermons
Speaker: Sammy Suttles
In this reading, David is requesting God to judge him. Are you as faithful as you say you are? Do you have the effort to seek after God? We should all be about the Father’s business. We should be obedient to God to just do as He asks us instead… read more
September 1, 2024
Series: Misc Sermons
Speaker: Sammy Suttles
We at times get into a rut of just going through the motions. We’d rather fill our lives full of the worldly things that it offers than be with God. At the time of our death, we will say amen to our own sins. You may attend church each time… read more
July 31, 2024
Series: Misc Sermons
Speaker: Sammy Suttles
We each have a part to do when it comes to our spiritual lives. Our pastor can pray for us every second of the day but it’s up to each individual person to change. In the Old Testament, before Christ was born, the people depended on the priest to cleanse… read more
May 19, 2024
Series: Misc Sermons
Speaker: Sammy Suttles
The world wants the church to die. They don’t want the church to stop singing, worshipping God, speaking of Jesus, etc. This might be the last time that we are allowed to worship together in one mind and one accord. David had every right to lay it all down, however he stood up and praised God anyway. We as… read more
February 4, 2024
Series: Misc Sermons
Speaker: Sammy Suttles
Lazarus was dead. He had been dead for three days. We all agree that the dead can not hear anything, they are dead. Yet, Jesus spoke his name, he heard and became alive. A woman with a great health issue where she was bleeding. She simply touched Jesus’s robe and… read more
November 29, 2023
Series: Misc Sermons
Speaker: Sammy Suttles
We must all be honest with ourselves. Our flesh is sinful and must be put under subjection under God. When you attend church do you attend because of an obligation? If you’ve attended because of an obligation then you’ve turned His house into something other than a house of prayer…. read more