The Wheat & The Tare

March 30, 2023
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Scripture: Matthew 13:24-30

Thinking about the picture of the last supper. We think about them all gathered together even though not all of them are a part of Jesus. Even though Judas was a disciple and walked amongst them and Jesus, he wasn’t a part of Jesus. In our churches, we have the same thing going on. We have members that attend and at times attend regularly, yet they are not a part of Jesus.

The world will make you popular. It will bring your name to the top and put your name in lights. You can win awards and money for the things that you do in the world. Those things will not get you into Heaven.

People that attend church often times put on a good front to their peers. A person under conviction will often try to hide their troubles. They know they are in the wrong and don’t want anyone to know it. If you’re lost then you are a tare amongst the wheat. You’re not a part of Jesus but can act just like a saved person. To the naked eye, wheat looks the same as a tare. It’s hard to tell them apart. God knows the difference between the two and will separate the two.

God knows your condition right now. You don’t have to worry about getting things fixed up before you turn your life over to Him. He will fix it. He will take those things from you. He will cleanse you. God corrects, leads, and loves. But, in order for Him to do these things you must be one of His children through salvation. We need workers in the field for God. Not just the singers, teachers, and deacons.

God wants to save you!

God will supply your every need but you must let Him. You can try to turn over a new leaf but if you really want it to change you must let God have it. Will you be in Heaven? You can’t get there because you’re a good person. You must be invited and accept the invitation from God. Emotion makes us do things. Feelings make us do things too. Emotions or feelings are not what keeps you saved. You got to know that you know, that you know that you’ve been saved. Satan will tell you that you’re saved and you’re doing alright but you need to make sure that you’ve been born again.

Maybe you are struggling with what the devil tells you that no one cares for you. Maybe he’s telling you that you should end your life. Satan would love to have you end your life. Did you know Jesus loves you? God loves you. God sent His only son for you as a sacrifice in order for you to be with Him in Heaven. God has made a way for you, a path of goodness. You may get have a struggle from time to time but God is right there, right beside you carrying you through the struggle. He Loves You. At the end of your life, you won’t have to worry about your death because once you close your eyes to this world you will open them to Heaven and God.

Satan has people standing behind the pulpit telling people that their life is okay. Those people will tell you that all you have to do is live a good life and you’ll be okay. Those people that Satan has used are deceivers and are doing nothing but misleading the lost into Hell.

If you have to ask yourself if you’re saved, make sure by praying. Ask God and He will show you. Stop putting a show on and be changed. You don’t have to be a person dragging through drugs, a murderer, a fornicator, or have done some horrible things to be lost. Being lost just means you’ve not been saved. What kind of bad stuff has a 9-year-old child done? Not much, but if God invites them to be saved, they are lost.

So if you keep living amongst the taxes what is going to happen when you die. Contrary to what some religions will teach you, once you die, you’re dead. You will then go to Hell, not a waiting place, not a place where the living can help get you somewhere else. Once you die lost there will be no relief for you, forever. Revelations 14:15, He is coming for the church but He is also coming for the lost. Every single person will give an account for what they did or didn’t do. While you are still breathing, alive, you still have an opportunity. If you know that God is inviting you and you would rather take your chances, it’s the worse decision you will ever make.