Be Strong & Faithful, God Will Be There For You

April 2, 2023
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Scripture: Deuteronomy 31:1-6

Some tornados struck recently and the news said they only had 2 minutes to get to safety. God will come back again and it will be less than a second, in the twinkling of an eye. You only have the moment in which He invites you to make your choice, Heaven or Hell.
Think of a spreadsheet of comparison. The devil on one side, God on the other. At the bottom of each column is an eternity. The devil’s side is Hell while God’s side is Heaven. The devil doesn’t want you to reach your full potential with God. Don’t deny the fact that you don’t go through trials that the devil is full of. The devil doesn’t want you to Be with God or grow with Him. He wants to keep you down in the dumps. He doesn’t want you to worship God, he wants you to stay silent. The devil doesn’t want you to feel what God can give you. Once you get saved the devil will try to convince you that you aren’t. He’ll make you doubt your salvation. Have you ever been done wrong by someone and had a hard time getting over it? It doesn’t matter what someone thinks or says about you. The devil will make you think that it’s important. 
No one can praise God enough for what He has done for us. We could praise Him every day but it still wouldn’t be enough. The devil doesn’t want you to be in praise to God. The devil doesn’t want you to walk with God. The more you walk with God the closer you will get to Him. The devil doesn’t want you to be close to God. The devil doesn’t want you to be able to say that you are a Godly man or woman. Can you answer that with a yes? Are you a child of God? Can you answer it with a yes? It’s the most important question in your entire life. 
No matter how many times we read what Heaven will be like we can’t fathom the reality of it. We can’t comprehend it because we’ve never seen it or been there. Just the thought of being in a place with God Himself is pure joy. Hell is the complete opposite of Heaven. First and foremost it lacks God and peace. The preachers preach as they do because they love you, they don’t want you to go to Hell. If God is speaking to you then you know already that you’re lost. You know it because He’s told you. If you have to ask, how do you know, then you know already.