Sending Out the Warning

April 1, 2023
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Scripture: Joshua 6:13-21

One can’t say that they haven’t heard the warning this week during the revival. The warning has gone out every single night. Those that have warned will not have the blood of those on their hands of those that they have been warned. Have you been hurt, has the church ever hurt you? Have you built a wall around yourself to protect yourself from the hurt? When God decides to break your wall down, He will expose Himself to you one way or another. You might be sitting here right now placing block after block of sin around you. You might think there is no way no one could knock your wall down. You’ve heard that Hell is your destiny if you’ve never been saved. You’ve heard this, this week. Does it make you uncomfortable to hear that Hell is where you will be when you die? You need to check your salvation. Have you refused God? It’s not the preacher that you can blame for making you feel uncomfortable.

At times, God will break a wall down in our lives. We will not leave it alone and start picking up the pieces and start building it back. Once you start dabbling in sin you will begin to grow in it. It’s not hard to ask God to take the wall down, but we make it hard. We listen to the devil whisper in our ears to tell us NOT to ask for help. There are things in our lives that we will come against and will not be able to overcome them. We need the help that only God can give. Satan will not help you in fact he wants to see you dead. God wants you to live and have life more abundant.

Hell was not created for you. If Hell doesn’t scare you then you need to see what you’re missing out on. Heaven, the reward for salvation. You will not be able to enjoy Heaven if you die lost.

Revelation 21:1-4
These first four verses just deal with the physical piece of our human life. Are you a worrier? We will worry no more in Heaven. Have you ever had sorrow? Have you ever had someone dear to you die? The sorrow we experience in our flesh will be taken completely away. In this world, there is no hope. The celebrities of this world might have some things that we may never have or dream of. Yet if they are lost those things are all false hopes. They will all be left behind at their deaths.

Revelation 21:5-8
Even though God is telling us how good it will be in Heaven He also is telling us how horrible Hell will be.

Revelation 21:9-22
Notice there is a wall around Heaven and this wall is unpenetrable by sin. Heaven is made with everything that we as humans think of as precious jewels, gold, and silver. Our feet will walk on gold so pure as it is to glass.

Revelation 21:23-27
There will be no sun or moon because God is the light that hides all shadows. In order to walk on the streets and be with God you must be saved. Your name MUST be written in the Lamb’s book of life. The Lamb is Jesus.

Revelation 22:1-3
If we are saved and live down here on earth there are times that we feel as if we are in His pretense. This doesn’t compare to what it will be like in Heaven when we will live right beside Him, breast to breast.

Revelation 22:4-5
When we, the saved, get to Heaven we will be with the one that gave us access to Heaven. We will forever be with Him in Heaven!