The Light That Was Born

December 25, 2022

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Luke 2:22-35

Coming to the light of Jesus Christ is where we need to get to. One can’t know Him without knowing the Light. Jesus Christ is the light of the world. We live in a time where it’s dark due to the wickedness of the hearts of the people. Yet, Jesus’ light is still shining. Jesus wasn’t just another child that was born. He was also not just another child to be presented to God.

Can you remember the darkness in your life when the absence of God was in your life? Once saved the darkness had to flee and the light of Jesus came in. The light that never burns out. Shadows are formed by lights shining over something. The shadow is there because the light is present. Christians will walk through a shadow at death. The best that death can do at death is just cast a shadow.

There were some dark things that were going on. The world was dark at that time. God never spoke in a way that was recorded. God wasn’t moving prior to the time of Jesus’ birth and some time before, 400 years. The people just did as they felt they needed.

You could be going about your Christian business and get caught up in the doing and leave out the most important part, God. Zachariah was stricken dumb until his son was born. Zachariah and Elizabeth lived in a dark time until John was born. Elizabeth hid for 5 months when she became pregnant.

Mary lived in darkness. There are things in our lives where we live in darkness because we don’t know what’s going on. The darkness for Mary was she didn’t know how she was going to become pregnant without a man in her life. All she needed to know was how it was going to happen. Once the angel explained to her how it would take place she was then living in the light. Mary went to see Elizabeth once she became pregnant. John being a fetus in Elizabeth’s womb jumped with joy at the sound of Mary’s voice. Jesus wasn’t even born, yet His light passed through Mary and into Elizabeth into John.

Joseph had three choices. Take her to law because he didn’t want the baby and she would be stoned to death due to adultery. He could have divorced her privately. The third option was to just go with it and take her and the baby that wasn’t his as his own. An angel came to him while he slept and told him to take Mary and the baby as his own.

Shepherds were in the dark and they had visitors. An angel first came and then a multitude of angels appeared. The light that came with the angels would have been blinding.

The wise men were in the dark and didn’t know where to go. They hunted for Jesus. People today hunt for Jesus in all kinds of things, drugs, alcohol, sex, and just plain sinful acts. The light they were following, the star, began to move so they followed it. They followed it until it stopped over where Jesus was.

Luke 2:32;
The Gentiles
They were not allowed to be anywhere around where God was at. They were outcasts. The Jewish people were the only ones that had access to God. Simeon spoke out loud that Jesus was the light to lighten the Gentiles. If you are lost then you are alienated from God, yet there is light for you. Jesus is the light.

1 Peter 2
Every born-again believer is the chosen generation. We have been called out from amongst the lost, the darkness, and into the light.