The Goodness of God

January 21, 2024

Series: Misc Sermons

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God is good to everyone. We are to love everyone regardless. God loves the lost and the saved. Don’t be confused, God loves the person but He does NOT love sin, in fact, He hates sin. There are things that God does for everyone. He causes the sun to rise and it shines on the lost just the same as the saved. He doesn’t charge for it.

Air: The air must be a perfect composition for us to use. Every person that woke up this morning is breathing His air and He doesn’t charge for it. One would give anything they had if God said you’d have to start buying it. When we as animals breathe we use the oxygen and then exhale carbon dioxide that the plants then use to breathe. How many times have you thanked God for the free air He provides you?

Water: Did you know that under our feet today there are the cleanest waters? Did you know that God made the water? Our body requires water to remain alive. He has always brought the water back even though we may go through a short-term drought. The lost person has the same amount of water as the saved person. Have you thanked God for the water He provided you?

Real estate: The planets are in the same position they’ve been in since God placed them there. He gave us ground to walk on. People love to sell it and trade it because of its value. Did you know that you might purchase a plot of land but it’s not even yours? God owns that land and when you die it will go to someone else. The sun is placed in a perfect location to give us heat yet keep us all alive. When was the last time you thanked God for the sun? Churches properties, when was the last time you paid an admission to enter the church property? God owns it, it’s all His and He doesn’t charge for it. The church is open for any and all to enter.

Think about how hard it would be if there was no gravity. Without it, it would make it nearly impossible to live. The moon and sun are in a perfect location to allow the high and low tides of the oceans.

Seeds: Without seeds, we would die. One can store a seed in a freezer for years and then pull it out, plant, water, and let the sun do its thing and it’ll grow. The seed is FREE! Sure we could eat the meat of animals but what do they need to live, seeds. When have you thanked God for the simple seed?

There are now some things that are not free that God gives but anyone can have them. Here are just a few.

Forgiveness of Sin: The price that was paid at Calvary for the remission of sins was priceless. One must believe in Jesus Christ or one will never have the forgiveness of sin. The price that Jesus paid was His life. The price that we pay is that we must die out to our fleshly body. John 3:16 explains to all that He loved each person and that if anyone believes in Jesus and denies themselves they will be gifted eternal life.

Holy Spirit: The price that one must pay to allow the Holy Spirit to move into one’s life is subjected. One must die out daily to oneself to live for God. Only some get to experience the remission of sin. There is a price to be saved or He would just be throwing out salvation just because. He will save one but one MUST believe in Jesus Christ.

Galatians 5: The fruits of the spirit that comes from the Holy Ghost are given in full at the point of salvation. He is all of the fruits of the spirit but not everyone has them. If a person is not saved then they lack these fruits.

Heaven: A perfect place at the time of death but only if the price of salvation is paid. Heaven isn’t a free access pass to enter in. The requirement to enter Heaven is being saved by Jesus Christ.

All the things that allow one to live here on earth are all free and given freely. However, to live forever in Heaven a price had to be paid and we must pay it as well. God made everything and they are all free however, the sacrifice that He sent has a great cost. One problem we as humans have is that we can’t even thank Him for the free things He gives us every second. There is a cost to having Jesus and one must work for it. One of those prices is to lose the human aspects of life. Godly family, peace, joy, and unconditional love, are all things that are given by God to His saved children that He gives freely. However, the cost to have these things must be paid and that payment is letting go of the earthly person.

Too many churches are preaching that salvation is free, no strings attached. That is not a true statement and is completely unbiblical. Just saying you’re saved, repeating a prayer, going through a lesson with a minister, having a preacher/priest forgive you, having your name on a church roll, or having someone in your lineage that was saved will NOT grant you salvation or access into Heaven. You must surrender your all to Christ.