The Cleansing of the Blood

December 18, 2022

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: 1 John 1:1-10

The only thing that has prepared your soul for an eternity in a presence of a holy God is the blood of Jesus. The sins that you have should be forgiven through repentance. However, the blood of Jesus cleans all sins. We can’t boast of having anything to do with the cleansing of the blood. Of all of the things that we need, the blood of Christ is at the top. Apart from the blood of Jesus Christ, there is no redemption for sin. The reason Jesus was born is so He could die. He is a gift from God. Too many live today as if there are many ways to Heaven. One could ask anyone if they are going to Heaven and they will respond with a sounding, Yes.

1 John 1:7

The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth: Meaning it is present and is actively working. The key, it is still at work. It’s a process that never stops. Past, present, and future. Without the blood of Christ, you will not get into Heaven. There is no evil, sin, or corruption in Heaven. The only way to be free of corruption is to have the blood of Jesus Christ applied to your soul. 

Romans 10

How does one be born again? One must confess with their mouth and believe in Jesus Christ. 

Be grateful for the blood of Jesus Christ. If it were not for the blood then we wouldn’t be here right now. Have you been cleansed of your sin debt? If not, then you’re not going to Heaven.