Rebellion & Stubbornness

May 28, 2023

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: 1 Samuel 15:19-23

Once you’ve been found out about your sin one tends to cover it up by trying to justify it. We often time try to justify many things but our justification is wrong compared to God.

One doesn’t have to be taught how to be stubborn or rebellious. It’s because we are all human and the flesh is both stubborn and rebellious.

Being rebellious against God.
Witchcraft, when you think of the demonic world it’s everywhere. When you rebel against God then you open up the doors and windows to the evil. Reveling against God, not doing what He told you then you have decided to play with the devil and his angels. Saul was told by God to destroy all living things yet Saul brought the best back to sacrifice. Obviously, that’s NOT what God told Saul to do. Good intentions, yet rebellious against God.
Eve rebelled against God by not obeying God. We think it was the serpent’s fault but back up a little. The serpent was around, in the tree. She was around the tree which meant she was playing with the thought of taking the fruit way before the serpent tricked her.

Being stubborn against God.
One can plug their ears and heart to God saying no to Him and refusing to do. Your stubbornness is like idolatry. You fail to line up with God and make a decision to worship yourself. If you pick and choose from the bible what you want to abbey then you’re serving yourself.

Rebellion leads to sin. When Lucifer was removed from Heaven he was lifted up by himself. A man that thinks he stands will surely fall. We all stand a chance of becoming stubborn and rebellious against God. Everyone listening, and watching is in danger of these. One can’t compromise or negotiate with God. God’s word is the final word.

When Saul decided to be rebellious against God he not only caused destruction to himself but to the others around him for his evil decision. In church, if the pastor or preacher is not preaching or teaching the Word of God then remove them. The unfortunate thing is that most don’t read their bible and therefore don’t know what the truth is. They go right along with the man preaching thinking that if it sounds good then it must be right.

When we think of the two, rebellious and stubbornness, rebellious seems a lot worse. Yet, stubbornness is usually something we all have a problem with. Most don’t have a problem with worshiping another god like Buddha, etc. Our problem is the one that looks in the mirror back at us. When we hear the preached word and the conviction comes to our heart we oftentimes push it back to tell ourselves we are okay. When someone is cornered with the truth they begin to cover it with lies. Saul when confronted, blamed the people for taking the animals. Anything that you are hiding is probably something that needs to be removed.