He Will Hold Your Hand

March 29, 2023
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Scripture: Isaiah 41:13

People worry that they’ll have to get rid of the things of this world when they come to God. God doesn’t want those things. You can keep those things cause He doesn’t want them. People actually have fear of losing those things. Unless those things get in the way of serving God you shouldn’t fear those things. You should never put anything above God. Drugs or alcohol, yes, you should give those things up. However, you shouldn’t fear those things because once you come to God He will take those sinful things away. All we must do is to come to Him humbled and He will help us. He loves us.

Matthew 9:2
Why do Christians walk around unhappy, with a frown on their face and their heads hung low? Christians should be the happiest people around. No matter what the devil wants to do He can never take Jesus out of the heart of a Christian. Now a lost person can certainly love, but until they are saved they don’t know the love of God. A love that is unconditional that causes one to love people that shouldn’t be lovable.

It’s time for the churches to come together as one. We serve one God. The Bible doesn’t say that the Primitive Baptists are to only love Primitive Baptists or Methodists to love Methodists. If the church spends more time talking about giving money than they do trying to get the lost saved, they are going in the wrong direction. If the Spirit of God is NOT in a church, then it’s not a church, it’s a place to just meet.

It shouldn’t matter what it takes we should get people to Jesus. We should have that desire. Your loved ones and neighbors will die lost and will spend eternity in Hell. If you don’t do what God has told you to do then their blood will be on your hands. You can’t blame anyone else but yourself if you don’t invite them to salvation.

Matthew 14:27
A Christian doesn’t have to fear because God is on their side and will never leave them. There are many Christians that have taken off their armor and this allows the devil to rob them. The other Christians that are suited up with their armor need to help those others back into the fold.

Matthew 17:17
Many Christians have laid their faith down. You know God doesn’t care what you look like. You can be dressed in the nicest most expensive clothes but He doesn’t look at that. God cast the demon out of the boy and He can do the same today. God hasn’t changed since the beginning of time. The father of the boy had heard enough about Jesus to know all he had to do is to get his son to Him and He would remove the demon. We have heard the same just in this revival. It’s up to us to get our lost to Jesus.