Fruits of Faith; Pt. 1

August 2, 2023

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Hebrews 11:24-30

There are six fruits of faith we will try to cover.

Commitment is necessary to be saved. When God pulls one out of the sinful life one should turn to Him to commit to Him. 2 Timothy 1:12; we see Paul’s faith and also his faith that God is committed to keep him. Our faith is what helps us make choices toward God. Commitment is missing in the church today. Church members can’t commit to God enough to attend church. When the devil comes whispering in your ear to tell you to lay out of church, just tell him you’re going anyway. A lot of the problem with commitment is that they’ve never been saved. Many churches today are not preaching the true Word of God on salvation and sin. They preach a watered-down religion so they gain church attendance but not Heaven attendance. Think about your breakfast with a little egg and some bacon. The chicken is involved but the pig is committed. The chicken did just a little work but the pig gave it all. What is one committing to when it comes to God. Is one committing to being a missionary, song leader, or preacher? No. God is just asking for a commitment unto Him to be forever grateful and work for Him.

Resolve to do the will of God. A steadfast hunger for God. Moses made a choice to be committed to God. This then brought on a resolve to do whatever God wanted Him to do. He knew it wasn’t going to be easy but made that choice anyway. Just as us, once we wake up make a commitment to God and resolve in your heart to not let the devil take control. Hebrews 11:7; Noah, by faith, moved with fear. Noah moved with resolve each morning. His belief in God caused him to do what God told him to do. How many times have you heard that Jesus is coming soon? You’ve heard the warning yet you don’t have the fear of going to Hell.