Become As A Child

November 5, 2023

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Matthew 18:1-11

All over this world, we have a problem because of a heart problem. The pride that exists in the heart causes one to refuse they need help, a savior. A time when people are driven by self-pride. Whatever benefits the self is what people want. How many times do we allow pride to get in the way? A title wasn’t given, the pat on the back was forgotten, a word of praise was neglected, and we then got bitter because we thought we deserved better. It doesn’t matter how holy you think you are, when the pride of the flesh begins whispering you begin to listen. Our focus should not be on the one we see in the mirror but on those around us. It’s not about you, your neighbor, how good you are, or how good another is, but solely about Jesus Christ. 

God loves the little children. Heaven is full of little children. All of those children that were aborted, we maybe don’t know them but God has them all. Our hearts should be tender and we should be very tender towards the little children. 

To go to Heaven, you MUST be converted. A lot of people go through the motions of trying to be a Christian but they’ve never been saved. To be converted means to be Born Again. To be Born Again you must humble yourself as a little child. 

A child as long as it’s got its mother and sustenance is happy. They don’t know grudges. They can play with just about anything and anyone. We as adults should be more like children.

We should desire the sincere milk of the Word of God. Children can’t communicate when they are babies but they crave and let you know when they need to be fed. There should be something in you that makes you hunger to be fed by God. People don’t go to church because they don’t desire the Word of God.

Matthew 6:31; We don’t control tomorrow. Stop worrying about the things that God has already promised. Has God ever failed you? God has always provided for His children and He’s not stopping now. He cares for us more than we care for ourselves. A child doesn’t worry about food, shelter, or clothes, they don’t even think about it. Why do we? 

1 Corinthians 15:20; we let go of those things that are hurtful and harmful. Like a child, they don’t hold grudges. Once saved we become a new creature. We should no longer hold grudges, etc. 

Have you been saved?

Is there an inner working towards God?

Galatians 4:2; Little children can be teachable. Adults already know everything and no longer accept being taught. Children are full of questions and are always hungry for knowledge. A Christian should also be teachable by God’s instruction. Parents that correct their children, that child still loves its parents. If you’re a Christian then you’ve experienced the chastening of God. He loves and He can’t stand the thought of not helping when we are in the wrong. 

Children are low in stature and low in body. Children know they can’t do things without help at times. God wants us to be lower than Him because we should be humble. We should be as a child asking for help, asking God for all things. Children trust even though they have no idea when or where. Trust in Jesus because He knows all things and will never forsake.

Romans 10:8