An Eternal Record

February 11, 2024

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: 1 John 5:6-12

Witness, record witness, witness of God, witness in himself the record, and the record. The world is looking for truth and they will never lay their earthly eyes on it.

Verse 6. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. John was a witness to Jesus’ work. He was also a witness to Jesus’ death. There is proof, a record of Jesus Christ. There is a greater witness of Jesus Christ and that is God Himself. When Jesus died on the cross the earth shook and the sky went dark. God turned His back upon the sin that Jesus took upon Himself in order to save who would be saved. A name above all names, Jesus Christ. He is our lamb.

Verse 7. The Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost all three bear a record in Heaven. There are earthly records down here on earth, deeds, birth/death/marriage certificates, and even a church record when one joins a church. But none of these records mean anything in Heaven. We take a lot of stock in the earthly records. These records could be destroyed down here and cause a lot of grief. However, when one is saved there is a record of your name written in Heaven that will never be destroyed, forgotten, or lost.

Ephesians 2:1; we have to die out to self before we can be saved. At the point of salvation, God writes your name down and it’s eternal. Romans 8:18; salvation bears witness with others that are saved. The Holy Spirit of God will not lead or deceive you. The devil wants you to be deceived and will try to confuse you. Romans 6, 2 Corinthians 5:17; a new creature is created at the time of salvation. If there has never been a change then you’ve not been born again. The Holy Spirit of God is not confused if you’ve been saved or not. Luke 2:20; a record written in Heaven.

When your name is written in Heaven there is a witness of angels. These angels rejoice when one is saved. Just the same in a court of law there are also witnesses when an important document is signed to make it legal.

How do you know that you’ve been saved?
1 John 5:13; 1 John 3:14; 1 John 2:3-5; 1 John 5:12, and the list goes on and on within the Holy Scriptures.