Who’s Leading You?

June 11, 2023

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Exodus 13:17-22

Psalm 23:1-4; The sheep don’t worry about their life. They have a Shepard that leads them and cares for them. The Shepard has everything they need. There are some that like to live the way they want to, rebellious because they don’t want a Shepard to lead them. These are usually in some sort of problem all the time.

Exodus 13:17; If you’ve been saved then you’ve been led out of sin. The devil is out to kill, steal, and destroy you. In verse 17 you’ll read that Pharaoh let them go. When you were saved God dealt with the one you once served and he let you go because he can’t hold you. God dealt with Pharaoh’s heart until he gave up. Have you been led out of sin’s bondage?

Go also led them around/away from a battle. God will not lead you into something that you are not prepared for. God will always make a way of escape in your life when He leads you into it. God will not put you into a place where you are tempted by evil. Some people will blame God for the places that they are in yet they are there because they chose to not obey God. God knows what you can handle and what you can’t and He will not lead you into a place that you can’t handle.

Verse 18; God didn’t lead them into a place that they couldn’t handle but He did lead them into a wilderness. The wilderness was the long way around. There are times when we just want it done, quickly. God will lead us into a wilderness because we might need to learn something or to protect us. The devil once entertained will whisper into your ear and tell you that God has no idea what He’s doing. Just as the children of Israel did, we oftentimes begin to complain of God’s leading thinking He has no clue what He’s doing.

Verse 21; God led them by something. They knew exactly where to go. There was never a time that they were not protected and guided. God always has His eye on your enemy and He will protect you. The devil has to obey God, He always has and He always will. We know what was leading, who was leading, and when they were led. Not a single second has gone by where God isn’t there.

Verse 22; in this verse, we see that God will never stop leading. In verse 21 we see the what and who. In verse 22 we see that they never stopped being led. Three days later after the Red Sea, they were thirsty and God led them to water. They complained about the water and God showed them a tree to make it sweet. The first lesson to be learned is that everything comes from God. Next, they were hungry. God led them and brought them manna and quail. They then began to complain about the food. Every day for 40 years God provided manna the equivalent of 300 train box cars full every day and 600 on Fridays.

There are people in this world that are running and following after the things of this world and can’t find peace in them. They never will find peace in the world. The devil doesn’t want you to trust or believe in God. Proverbs 3:5-6
Who are you following? Who’s leading you?