Dwell In The Secret Place

April 28, 2024

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Psalm 91:1-9

Dwell means to settle, or to wed as in marriage. Many think that if they get married and it doesn’t work then they can just get out of it, a trial run if you will. It doesn’t work this way with God. Once you’re His then you’re His forever more.


The secret place. Being saved means that your relationship is in secret. No one knows the relationship between Him and you. His secret place is bountiful and full of His grace and love. The only way to get there is to go through Christ. The world is driving people mad because they think they can’t escape the chaos.


Abide means to stay permanently. We start by dwelling and then move into abiding. It’s like a drop of water in the ocean. The drop is part of the ocean and the ocean is part of the drop. One can’t separate the two once put together. 2 Corinthians 5, once one is Born Again then they are made a new creature.


The secret place is a protective place. The things of the world might come against you just as a storm blows through but His secret place is a place of protection. Under the roof of God! The perfect example of grace. God doesn’t make one come in out of the storm. We have a choice whether to stay in the storm or seek shelter under His wings.


A fortress, a walled area of protection. We may have to live in it or work around it, but we don’t have to be a part of it. He protects us while we go out into the world.


Habitation means a dwelling place. For people, our habitation is our home, where we live. For a saved person our habitation is the Lord. He bids us to come into His protection because He wants to help and keep us. 


There is only one way to get to God, Jesus Christ. He is the only one with the key to God’s secret place.