Lukewarm, Search Yourself

May 12, 2024

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Revelation 3:14-22

Lukewarm water or indecisive, indifferent. Hot water is good to soak and bathe in, to get clean. Cold water is refreshing and cooling. Lukewarm water is not good and is oftentimes stagnant and full of pollutants. 


As Christians, we should strive to not be lukewarm. We should never be lukewarm for Christ. We should always be working, obeying God, and doing what He says. We don’t have all the time in the world to get ready to work. The time is now! If the people don’t serve God when the church doors are open then how are you going to do it when the doors are closed? If you love God then you will be praying for revival and when it comes then you’ll be there to support it. Whatever God has called you to do then you better be doing it to the best of your abilities. God isn’t going to put you in a place where He knows you’re going to fail. You might struggle a little but in the end, the reward is greater.

Most live in a life that thinks that God owes us anything and everything we want. The Bible is clear that we deserve nothing and we are all wretched and poor. 

God wants us to place Him as number one in our lives. If we put anything in front of Him then we’ve got the cart before the horse. Whatever we place before God will let us down and steer us in the wrong direction. If God is first then He will lead and He knows where and what to do.

A lukewarm church just lets things happen regardless if the sin. In other words, it doesn’t care about the people that are dying and going to Hell. A church’s focus should be to please God and not others. It’ll wear out a person if they are constantly stepping around and over sin. It’s much easier to confront it, and deal with it according to God than to step over it.