To God Be The Glory

July 26, 2023

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Psalm 19:7-14

As a Christian, we should be a reflection of Christ. So what does it mean, to God be the glory? What really matters? Do what you think matters or does what God think matters?

Every one of us has the opportunity to speak in a way to glorify God. It’s not wrong to please others but if you don’t bring glory to God then you’ve missed the mark. How many of you read your bible but you don’t really read your bible? How many pray but don’t really pray? How many attend church but don’t really attend church? God knows if you care or not. God knows everything about you so you can’t hide secrets from Him. Every one of us is equal at the foot of the cross and He has to be the one to lead us each day. Romans 3:23; we’ve all come short. We should be holy because He is holy. We don’t live holy for ourselves but for God so that others can see Him through us.

First and foremost one must be saved in order to live for God to reflect Him. The only way to be acceptable to God is to be born again. Galatians 1; Christ deserves the glory. Ephesians 3; the glory of Christ should be in the church. Philippians 2: everything that we do should be for the glory of Christ. The glory goes to God for what Jesus has done.

God’s creation gives Him glory. We must all be very careful to not worship the creation but the creator. God proves Himself through His creation. There will NOT be a single person to stand before God that can say they never knew who He was. In our area hundreds and thousands of people drive to our area to see the mountains and the trees change their colors. Many are worshiping the creation and not the creator. Be careful.

The Bible
Psalm 19:7-10; these scriptures placed together equal the word of God, the Bible. The Bible brings glory to God. It’s perfect for salvation & repentance. The testimonies of God are true and bring Him glory. The moment one lines up with God their life becomes a lot easier because they are perfect and bring glory to God. To fear God is bringing glorification to Him. The very moment one loses their focus on God they begin to lose the glory and become dirty, and sinful. To fear God is the beginning of wisdom. The judgments or verdicts of God are true because He knows the heart and mind. There isn’t a single thing that is more precious that the word of God. Many will say that they love their bible more than gold and wouldn’t trade it for anything yet, they don’t know where they’ve left it. How many times have you held on to your bible and brought it closer to your heart because you just wanted more of it? Cared for your bible as it is a small child not neglect it. In biblical times honey was the best of the best. God’s law, statutes, judgments, and His word are as sweet as pure honey. Do you value the word of God as sweet honey or have you found something sweeter to take its place?

The Bible is a warning to help us to know what to do and what not to do. Without the Bible, we would just run around doing what we want destroying everything we touch.
We walk around daily messing things up and we think to ourselves, why? God knows our thoughts. God pardons our sins and we should be asking God to forgive us. There are sins we do just because we are ignorant of them. Then there are sins we do because we made a choice to sin. We should be asking, and praying to God to keep those sins away from us so we don’t fall prey to them.

Don’t measure yourself by your neighbor, someone else. Those people are not the final judge. Compare your life to Christ and His word and make sure you line up to it and Him. If it’s not the word of God that’s inside you then it will not show through you. If the (God) meditation of your heart is not radiating from your mouth then you’ve missed the mark.