The Problem With Leaven

June 25, 2023

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: 1 Corinthians 5:6-8

It doesn’t take much leaven to make a difference. For most, it only takes a tablespoon of leaven to 1 cup of flour. Once it’s in the flour it’s hidden but you can see the effect of it.

Sin is an abomination to God. We are all sinners in the flesh. If you’ve been saved then the soul has been saved but the flesh is still sinful. At death, the flesh will go back to the earth but the soul will meet God. If you’ve been saved then God will welcome you in because He cleaned your soul of sin. If you’re lost at the time of your death, then your soul will go straight into Hell.

It Starts Small
People usually don’t know when you sin. This is because it’s in your thoughts or your inner thinking. Those little things are usually not paid attention to. It doesn’t take much leaven to make a big difference. How many of you are harboring those small sins? You got a problem with someone but never deal with it. It doesn’t matter how big or small a sin is it will still wreck a life. Our opinion whether a certain sin is worse than another doesn’t work with God. He’s the only one that knows ALL of what is thought. The famous last words of anyone is, “I’ve got this.”. You don’t have anything under control because you can’t control anything. Don’t mess around with leaven. Once you drop the leaven into the flour it blends in and you can’t take it out. It would be a miracle for you to get it all out of the flour. Just in the life of a human. One can’t remove the sin in their life. It took a miracle of God to remove the sin.

It Has An Effect
Regardless of the size of sin it still has an effect. You can tell everyone you know how sin free you think you are, you’re lying to yourself and them. We are all born a sinner. The little babies that are born and die will all be with God in Heaven. This is because Jesus died on the cross.
You may not see the effect of the leaven right away but it’s coming. Sin always has an effect and you can’t stop that consequence. It also can’t be controlled. It doesn’t affect a part but the whole. Remember, God knows everything. He knows if you are trying to hide sin. God doesn’t compare your life to another. He compares your life with His word.

If you’re lost, then you’re lost. One can’t fuss at a blind man for stumping their toe. However, if you’ve been born again then you know better.

Adam and Eve had the problem of ridding their sin. Nothing has changed since that time. Calling the preacher or the priest to confess the sin doesn’t work. Those people can’t do anything about your sin or anyone else’s for that matter. There is only one person that can deal with the sin. Jesus Christ is the only one that can get the leaven out of your life. One must repent with a broken heart and a contrite spirit to Jesus Christ.

  • Exodus 12:19
    The first is to get sin out of your house. If you leave it in your house then you are tempted with it.
  • Exodus 13:7
    The second thing is that it shouldn’t be on your person. Don’t carry the sin around, don’t be a part of it. If money is your problem, then get it off of you. If your phone gets you into trouble, get it off your person.
  • Exodus 12:19
    The third, is don’t consume it. The largest problem is between your heart and your head. Get it out of yourself. Let God deal with your mind and your heart.
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:22
    Satan knows what you have a problem with. He will come to you and tempt you with those things that you have a sinful problem with. Don’t play around with the devil.

The wages of sin are death.