Steadfast in the Journey

March 28, 2021

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Philippians 3:12-14

When it comes church time would you rather be somewhere else besides at church?
The flesh would have you skip attending church. 
You want peace? Seek after salvation thru Jesus Christ. 
We are all on a journey that is very short lived. The journey has many paths that we can choose from. In the beginning of our journey we have our first choice, accepting Christ when He invites us unto salvation or refusing Him. If you choose the journey of salvation Jesus will never leave you. We will often choose the fleshly path but Christ will walk along with us.
Peter seen things that should have made his mind to pick the better path and yet the very same day he seen Christ and heard God physically, he made a poor choice. Peter was in a boat and seen Jesus walking on the water. Peter then stepped out of the boat and began to walk on the water. Real quickly he looked down and he began to doubt and to sink. How quickly his mind wondered away from Jesus. Jesus asked the disciples who He was, Peter stated very clearly who He was. Jesus bragged slightly on Peter because God Jesus’ father revealed to him who Jesus was. Before that day was over Peter rebuked Jesus stating that He would not be crucified. Jesus then looked at Peter and told Satan to leave. Wouldn’t this make most of us to just give up? Jesus told them all during the last supper that they would all leave Him. Peter was very boastful and stated he would never leave Him. Within hours Peter would deny Christ 3 times. Peter was chosen amongst them to go and pray with Jesus. What a great honor that Jesus would have chose a few men and one to be Peter. Yet while Jesus was praying they could hear Him, Peter fell asleep, not once but twice. Peter was unconcerned about Jesus’ journey. Isn’t this just like our lives? Jesus had been crucified and God told Peter to eat yet Peter refused due to those things being unclean. God told him to pray over it and eat it because there wasn’t anything unclean that He had made. He then went and did a great and wonderful thing and seen many souls saved and yet he slipped and fell back into his old past. God never left Peter but Peter would let go of Jesus. Each time Peter fell God would lift him back up and he would press forward.
Our journey like Peter’s is filled with ups and downs. We strive after Jesus and walk with Him and force our flesh down. We often suppress the things we want to do and yet do the things we don’t need to do. Never give up! Push thru your journey with Christ. When you fall don’t stay down, get up, dust off and keep moving forward.