
October 22, 2023

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Ezekiel 18:31

Turn and go the other way. Whichever direction you are headed in, turn and go the other way. If you are content with sin then you will not show care towards other sinners.

When one gets saved, God begins to speak and work on the sins. The sins must be worked on and dealt with. Joab’s sin had to be dealt with. Joab repented too late. The ones who have died and gone to Hell are trying to repent as we speak. Yet their repentance is too late.

True repentance. The prodigal son wanted what was due to him from his father. He then went out and partied it all away. He had a great time. Then he ran out of money and then the fun ran stopped. After living in the sin that he created he finally came to himself. He made a choice to go back home and repent. He went back home and repented to which his father accepted it and honored it.

We must repent to see our people saved and also repent. What will it take for the people to repent? Our gasoline could dry up. That would cause a huge problem, yet the saved have hope.

False repentance. Pharaoh repented but it was fake. Just as soon as he “repented” he was met with great tribulations. There are many people who go to the altar to repent but take their sins back with them when they leave the altar. Some go to the altar because they don’t want to go to Hell. They act in reaction and feelings and yet there is no change. Some preachers will tell you to do certain things and one will be saved. If God isn’t inviting then you can’t be saved regardless of your actions.