Justified By Truth

December 10, 2023

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Romans 5:1-5

We all have the opportunity to grow in faith regardless of one’s smarts or knowledge. Everyone has faith, the question is what is your faith in. Often times we have faith that our vehicle will start when we need it to. In order to have something it had to be given first.

The very second that one accepts God’s invitation to salvation they are justified. Justified by faith. It doesn’t cost anything of worldly worth, however, it’s priceless spiritually. When Christ died on the cross He didn’t save everyone. He only saves those that whosoever would believe in Him. Being saved is an event that occurs that once it happens it is forever recorded and never erased. Sin separates a person from God. At salvation, the Holy Spirit comes in to dwell and pushes all of the bad out. You either have the Holy Spirit that dwells inside your soul or the devil, sin.

One can’t keep themselves saved. One can go through all of the “salvation” motions but if God doesn’t dwell in the soul then one can’t truly be saved. Did you know there are murders in Heaven? They are there due to a change that took place called salvation that removed the sinful label.

There was a search that was made everywhere in the heavens and earth and only one person was found that could pay the sin debt of a person. Jesus Christ was the only one found worthy of such a sacrifice.

Only Once
One can only be saved one time. Salvation can’t be lost, it’s sealed until the day God comes to redeem it. One has to purchase something in order to redeem something. Our flesh is not perfect and it never will be. While we live in this flesh we will struggle with the sin it has. Constant work of cleaning off the flesh of its sin until we die. At death, the flesh will go back to the earth while the soul will go back to its creator. The creator, God will either see the soul as being justified, saved, or not. A justified soul will enter into Heaven and a lost soul will be cast into Hell.