Is It True?

July 23, 2023

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Daniel 3:14-30

The three men Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego had made up their minds before they got there whom they were going to serve. They were all warned and instructed what they were to do and if they didn’t do it what the conciseness was going to be.

The question came, is it true? Is it true that you are sold out to God? Is it true that you are a Christian and will not bow to another god? We’ve come to a time in our society when one must make a choice if one will follow the masses.

Does your life show great confidence in God? Is it true that you will not drink, curse, or do the things that the world says are okay? The world should be able to look at a Christian and see the difference between them (the lost) and a Christian.

A Christian usually makes a lot of claims that the world says can’t happen. A flood happened that swallowed the world in water. A great fish that was prepared for a man that was told to do God’s work and refused then was spit up on dry land. A virgin that gave birth to a man child that was the Child of God.

These three men were given another chance to make up their minds about whom they would serve. The world does the same. It tries its best to give you chance after chance to bow before it. They didn’t need any more time because they’d already made up their mind about whom they would serve. They went as far as to tell the king that their God had the power to deliver them from the fire BUT even if He doesn’t then that was alright with them. Their lives were on the line. For us today it might be your job, or it could be your friends or family. The day is coming when the Christian faith will be tested and challenged and you need to know right now if it’s true in whom you believe.

God never promised that a Christian wouldn’t be put through a fire or battle, but He did say He would be there when they go through it. Has God ever failed you? Is it true that God is always with you? It’s not because you are special, it’s because HE is special.

What was the outcome of the three men and the truth that they stood on? First, they were not killed by the flames of the fire but protected. Not even a hair on them was singed. Their clothes didn’t even smell like smoke. Second, the king was convinced and then believed. God became true to the king and it took three men to stand true for God.