God’s Sacrificial Lamb

March 31, 2024

Series: Misc Sermons

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The first offering of man was when Cain and Abel gave their sacrifices. Abel gave his first, his best as a sacrifice while Cain gave to God uncaringly.
Noah made a burnt offering unto God selecting the best from the ark after the flood.
Abram made a burnt offering to God of a little lamb.
God told Abraham to take his only son and offer him up as an offering to Himself. Abraham knew God wouldn’t fail and never wavered his trust in God for this test of faith.

Isaiah 53:2-3; God gave His best for our sin. His lamb was sincere, honest, and meek. We turned our faces away from Him because of our shame.

Isaiah 53:4-5; God’s lamb was a suffering sacrifice. There has never been a true day of peace since sin came into the world. When God’s lamb was sacrificed He suffered it all of us. They didn’t force the lamb to do something it didn’t want to do, the lamb laid down willingly. The only way for us to be saved and forgiven of our sins, God’s lamb had to be sacrificed.

Isaiah 53:6-7; God’s lamb never opened its mouth during its sacrifice. All the lamb had to do was whisper and thousands of angels could have come to protect Him. All of the people who saw Him humiliated Him, spit on him, mocked him, and cursed him. While the entire time He never said a word. Once upon the cross at His sacrifice, he then asked His Father to forgive the people. He then gave up His life.

Isaiah 53:8-9; God’s lamb was a sinless lamb. All of the sacrifices up until this point were all animals. There was a difference between the animals and God’s lamb. All of the animals didn’t ask to be sacrificed and didn’t want to die. Yet, God’s lamb requested to be the ultimate sacrifice. He was a perfect, spotless lamb.

Isaiah 53:10; God’s lamb was a slain lamb.

Isaiah 53:11-12; A saving lamb. In order to be the saving lamb He had to be all of the other lambs first.