Believing In The Miracle Worker

December 13, 2023

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: John 4:48

Jesus healed many people during His time on earth. He also performed miracles, like turning the water into wine. We also know that He raised people from the dead several times. The deaf, dumb, and lame were all made whole and healed by Jesus. So many times Jesus performed these miracles. We don’t see these miracles like this anymore but we see them in other ways. Jesus is the miracle worker. Jesus is the healer of today. During a fishing trip, they were not catching anything and they had tried all night long. Jesus showed up and told them to cast their nets and they pulled up so many fish that they had to have help from other boats.

If you love Jesus you should be feeding His sheep. When was the last time you told someone about Jesus? John 20:24-29; we didn’t get to see the miracles that Jesus performed. We who believe now are blessed because we believe in Jesus whom we have yet to see.