A Heart For The Children

November 12, 2023

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Matthew 19:13-15

God has a heart for the children. Before the age of accountability, God takes care of them. One soul is not more important than the other. In this reading, we see that there was a great multitude of people who brought their children to Jesus. There is no mention of needing healing, just to be prayed for. We as adults seem to forget that God loves children. When a child is born into this world God loves them just as much as another child that is born. Those who are born and brought up in a church setting are blessed. Schools are full of children there needs to be teachers that need to tell them that God loves them.

The last message was about how we as adults should have a heart as a child. Humble, caring, loving, and dependent upon God. But, there is something about children that we shouldn’t miss. There is a thought that children have more time, yet we also think that they are just children and they do not know. We see in this reading that Jesus told His disciples to leave the children alone and allow them to come. Jesus told them to let them come to Him. It matters to Christ where the children are.

Matthew 18:3-5; We have a responsibility as adults to receive children. Don’t discount the truth that when they come to an adult they are seeing Christ because that’s all they know. We should not push them away but love them.

Matthew 18:6; We need to make certain we do not offend them. God isn’t negotiating this topic. Offenses are going to happen but to a child, it’s a very bad thing to do.
Cussing, pornography, drinking, and the sins of the devil are the opposite of what God says is offensive to the children. God is the only one that can declare judgment. We should be shining the beacon of Christ into their world at all times. Think of this, if you only took a child to church once a month is that not neglecting the child? If you only fed a child only once a month they would lock you up. There is no difference between feeding them Christ and feeding them food.

Matthew 18:10; Don’t despise the children. Do not put the children down but lift them up. A parent has a responsibility to do what God tells them to do.