The Glory of the Heavenly Perspective (Part 2 of 2)

April 5, 2020

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Hebrews 11:8-19

The earthy perspective can be deadly due to the human nature of depression and despair. But if we’ve been born again, we can share the joy and excitement of the Heavenly perspective.
One can tell you all about Disney Land in California but if one hasn’t been there then it’s not as important as one that’s experienced. The question, are you born again?

John 3:1-7
The greatest thing in this current time is having a perspective of having a Heavenly perspective. The lost stop and look around and wonder about a lot of “if’s” and questions. In the end the lost are still lost and confused. The worlds viewpoint is that they have no idea what is going on and therefore usually spread unglodly points. Those points will quickly take over your mind and heart if you’re not careful.

Heb 11:8-9; in faith he followed. Once God calls your name as a lost person you will make a choice to either follow in faith or turn away. Romans 10:8-9, thru faith we are saved. Now a saved person has never seen the streets of gold but we know that God can’t lie and that is one of His promises. Romans 10:10, your heavenly perspective is also about believe what God has said in His Word. Who want’s to go to Heaven? Most all would say yes and would even say they are going but that is a lie from the devil himself. There is only one way to Heaven and that’s being Born Again, believing in Jesus Chrsit as your personal savior.

Heb 11:10, If your’re born again do you desire heaven? Your hope is not what you have or seen but in those things that are unseen. The older one gets in their walk with Christ the more it just doesn’t matter and your hope is more in Christ! Romans 8:28, having a heavenly perspective means that we have this particular view. No matter the journey in the end of a born again believer is good.

Just because it looks good doesn’t mean it’s right or good. There are many things that might seem nice, good or even promising but in the end it’s bad. This is the problem with an earthly perspective, sinful nature.
Are you a new creature? A new creature knows that this is not it’s home.

Hebrews 11:17-19, when Abraham was called that day to take his only son up to the mountain and for him to sacrifice him, he without question, went up and began to do it. Obedience at it’s finest.

One can take everything of a Christians away but those things are all going to be earthly. It might be hard but the hope is not in those things down here but in Heaven above. The saved are purchased with a price, very great price. Once saved then you then become a joint heir.

A promise that can’t be undone, death has no victory when eternal life is given at the point salvation is made. Eternal life, a place that’s prepared, never leave or forsake, sealed until redemption, provides for us, etc.

Heb 11:14, the people of God, the born again, they need to be persuaded that God IS everything you need And can not fail; Romans 8:38.
2 Tim 1:12, Having confidience
We should embrace God and let your light shine to the others that you’ve been persuaded with great confidence that you’re but strangers here and that God is in full control.
Mat 6:33
Rom 12:1

Did you know that 1 out of every 1 will die? Knowing that truth, it should cause you to think about your future after death.