The Fourth Day

October 13, 2023
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Scripture: John 11:1-17

Without communion services, we have 3 days of services. Jesus’ death began with three days. Yes, He was mutilated during the scourging of His body. The crucifixion of Christ was different than the others they had done. Surely others would fight for their life but Jesus laid His life down without a fight or struggle. The third day is the important part and that’s the resurrection. There is a fourth day.
The Bible talks about a day. That day when it comes will happen in the twinkling of an eye. Without warning, in an instant. Jesus didn’t come as a man to condemn the world. The Bible warns us and teaches us how to live but we do what humans do and think we know better. How many times did you go against your parent’s guidance and learn you should have listened and obeyed? Jesus came as a sacrifice to give us a way to be saved. He left this world to plead the Christian’s case to His Father, God. There is coming a day when God will tell His son Jesus that He is done intervening. He will tell Him to go get His children. Jesus is coming.
Suddenly He will come and there will be a separation of the sheep and goats, the saved and the lost. Family will be separated, and spouses, grandparents, parents, friends, and children will be left behind. The corruptible flesh of the Christian’s body will be left behind and they will be changed into a body of no corruption. The grace that God gives will be instantly pulled away. The ones that will be left behind will suffer. 
The Gospel of Christ is available to everyone and it’s free. One can do everything to each dot and title that a person tells them to do to be saved and still die lost. One can memorize the sinner’s prayer and still die lost. How can one be saved? First, conviction must happen which is Jesus inviting you to be saved ultimately telling you that you’re lost. You then must accept His invitation and admit that you’re a sinner and need to be saved. There is room in the Book of Life for your name.