It’s A Two Way Street

October 13, 2023
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Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:1-5

Those who are preachers.
First, you must understand what preaching is. It’s a God-called thing. No one or church can call a man to preach. It’s delivering a message from God that the church needs to hear but it’s also a message to the lost. God doesn’t call the enabled but He enables the called. There is a burden that comes with being a preacher that no one can understand but another preacher. A preacher must preach nothing but the Word of God nothing more and nothing less. Many doctrines are out there that tell you that all a person can do is be a good person and you’ll be in Heaven. Other doctrines claim that Jesus was just a man who came and was born into this world and that gives others the ability to do the same things He did. These doctrines are not of the Word of God and are leading people straight into Hell. The Word of God is also sharper than a two-edged sword. It’s offensive and if it’s delivered correctly can hurt the toes. Another thing about a preacher is that he’s not perfect. Sound doctrine. In a world where it’s more prevalent than at any other time. People don’t like the truth.

Doesn’t it take two to Tango? We are to work together as one. Not only does the preacher have to preach but the members must be listening and doing. It’s not a one-way street. Don’t quench the Spirit. We hear this a lot when it comes to singing and doing things in the church. But what about going to the altar, praying for another, or giving an amen to the preacher when he gives the Word of God.

Sin is sin and the same sins they committed back in biblical times are the same sins committed today. We know that Hell enlarges itself every day. Why is this? People think they don’t need God in their lives.

Psalm 32:138-139
When the preacher gets up to preach ask yourself this. When you are sitting in Sunday School and the teacher is teaching, ask yourself this.