
October 14, 2023
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Scripture: John 10:9

A place with no suffering, pain, sickness, or sadness. We as saved Christians will receive a glorified body. Do you know where Heaven is? No one does but we know the way. The ONLY way to get to Heaven is through Jesus. Thinking about the blind man. He was blind since he was born. The first thing he saw was Jesus. The thief on the cross asked Jesus to remember him when He died and Jesus told the thief he had found the way to Heaven. In another instance, we know a story of a man who lay at a beautiful gate begging for help, food, and money. He was able to find the way to Heaven where he would no longer beg and everything he ever wanted.
Jesus stands at your soul’s door and knocks and all we have to do is open it and invite Him in. The only way to Heaven is Jesus.
Are you going to Heaven where we will walk on streets of gold? People are killing people for gold and in heaven we will walk on it.

What makes Heaven, Heaven, and Hell, Hell? Jesus. Heaven is the presence of Jesus and Hell is the absence of Jesus.