What Are You Cumbered About?

November 3, 2024

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Luke 10:38-42

We all have to work in order to eat, so we have jobs. Don’t let your job take over your Spiritual walk. When we attend a church service we should pay attention to the man delivering the message. There is usually something in the message for you that has been there for some time in our lives. 

Time with God is more precious than gold.  If you don’t have God then you don’t have anything. You could have all the gold in the world and still have nothing. Don’t ever let God go. We all have to work in order to eat, so we have jobs. Don’t let your job take over your Spiritual walk. When we attend a church service we should pay attention to the man delivering the message. There is usually something in the message for you that has been there for some time in our lives. 

Time with God is more precious than gold.  If you don’t have God then you don’t have anything. You could have all the gold in the world and still have nothing. Don’t ever let God go.