Valley of Dry Bones

August 23, 2020

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Ezekiel 37:1-3

A sad dark and lonely vision of the church. Separated, hatred and showed no love. God asked, can these bones live again? Is there hope? During this time we thought the churches would be united and yet the member have begun to live in fear and have left the church. They live by what their government says and not by what God says. 
Satan wants you to be fooled.
Galatians 5:7 – What’s hindered you? What distracted you? Everything was alright until the virus came about. Then folks shut their bibles. One must identify what and where it came. Satan will creep in slowly and before you know it he’s taken control.
Galatians 5:16-17 – How many of you struggle with flesh? 
Galatians 5:18-21 – These things have no bearing on a Christian. They have no dominion on a Christian.
Romans 5:1 – By faith not works or anything else can peace be found. People look to all kinds of things to try to make them happy. But, these things are only temporary as they will quickly loose their luster.
Romans 5:2-11 – The comfort comes from the faith but by God. This is thru all of this it is the way of escape. Jesus is the only one that can get you out of the dry bones.
Romans 6:7-10, 14- Sin is powerful. Sin will take you further than you wanted to go. Thru grace he paid it all. The victory is thru Christ. We get away from Christ because of our free choice.
The sign of the times. This virus is supposedly going to get worse. The fear of someone grabbing up our children and doing bad things with them. The worry of someone breaking into our house and taking our things.
Ezekiel 37:4-5 – If you’ve been saved you have Jesus so stop living like you don’t have Him. Stop living in fear! 
You want out of your fear? Call on Jesus!
Are you miserable, not comfortable? Call on Jesus!