Trouble & Grief

October 27, 2024

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Psalm 143:8-12

Why do we look in other places for relief when Jesus is there waiting. Even if you’ve never experienced the grief or sorrow of life, you will soon be there at some point. Mark this scripture when your grief comes.

Have you ever been troubled to the point that you can’t sleep? We’ve often been there. God can hear when we cry and He understands our tears. He understands it all even though we don’t. He’s never left because He cares for us. No one is exempt from the troubles of this life. Just because you’ve been saved doesn’t mean that your troubles have been removed. What it does mean is that you have someone to help you through them when they come. The enemy of God wants to stop God’s love from flowing but God is stronger. 

When you wake, Jesus should be the first thing you think of. God is always speaking but we should want Him to make us hear Him. It’s always about His love and kindness. For a scared sheep, the best thing it can hear is its loving shepherd. 

Ask God to make you know the way you should walk, the path of where to walk, and what to do. God is a lamp to our feet, a light to our path. How often have you faced a problem and admitted you didn’t know what to do?  We should be lifting our souls to God not because our flesh wants gratification but because our soul yearns for Him.

Ask God to hide you from the enemy so that you can grow and get closer to God. Ask God to show you, and teach you how to do His will. God has shown us His will but we usually are ignorant of how to do it. 

Request from God the power to do His will. If it was all about you then you would already have the power to do His will. How many times has your soul been in trouble and God steps on the scene and restores it. The Spirit is life and when He comes He resurrects the dead.

The key to the formula above is faith. Faith unlocks God and when you pray, your simple requests are being heard and He will help you.