The Leash Is Just So Long

January 19, 2025

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Luke 15:17-24

You’ll only go so far if you’re a Christian in a backslid lifestyle. Once you get into sin God will point it out. It’s then your responsibility to get rid of that sin by repentance. Christians today have turned their backs on God and are wallowing around in their pigpen. God knows what you’re doing and not done. He sees you from afar when you’re in sin. He welcomes you to come back to Him. All He wants is for you to say, “I’m sorry.” If you’re a Christian, then you know when you’ve sinned. We all have something we do that’s sinful. It might be the thoughts you have on others while you’re driving. When you turn your back on God then you’re spiritually dead. God doesn’t make mistakes. He does exactly what He says He’s going to do. All God wants is for us to walk in His path after Him. Do you have a hard time walking a Christian walk? More than likely you’re lost and never been saved. It’s not a struggle to be Christian because it is not self that makes one a Christian.