Iniquity in the heart equals God not hearing. To knowingly have sin in your heart and choose not to deal with it means God will not hear from you. As long as you live, you will deal with sin.
God will not tempt with sin.
Why is there death? Sin. We play around with sin like it’s a game but it’s a curse to death. God warned them not to eat of the tree yet they did it anyway. From that point on God has continued to warn. Sin will destroy anything it touches and you don’t have to live in it because of the remedy.
One can’t bring sin into one’s life without consequences. When you sow to the flesh you will reap corruption. God has never been the problem.
Isaiah 2:59
If Jesus is your Lord, born-again believer, sin in your life will separate you from Him. What do you need from God? Everything! There isn’t a moment in a day when you can’t live without God. Sin will keep you away from God because it blinds you to the good things of God.
Psalm 34:18; Psalm 51:17
Every time you meet the conditions of Godly sorrow He will forgive you of the sins.
Isaiah 59:10
Sin renders a Christian irrelevant. If you’re a Christian and live like a lost person then you confuse the people around you and allow them to see that there is no difference between them and you.
Sin is also a wall. It keeps the good of God away from you. Not only does it keep the sin in but it keeps God out of your life. If you think that it’s okay to hold a grudge, what does it gain you in eternity? Do you not think Jesus was wronged?
Isaiah 59:12
We know our sins. If you say you have none then you lie. When sin comes creeping into our lives God gives us a warning. The problem with most is that they have so much sin in their life already that it mutes the warning sounds of God.
Isaiah 1:18-19
If you are willing and obedient then God will hear and you’ll eat the good of the lamb. However, if you are disobedient then you will see the wrath of the sword.
Revelation 3:19-20
God chastises because He loves His children. If you keep being disobedient then He will rebuke and chastise. Repent. He stands at your door, the saved, and knocks. Why is He at a closed door, because sin forces it to shut. All we must do is to repent and open the door.