Does God Care What You Think?

April 16, 2023

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Romans 12:3

Most people care about what other people think about them. Our thoughts usually drive a person and influence us. The simple answer to the title is yes. God does care about what you think. Do you care about what God thinks about you? God already knows what you’re thinking. We should not think about ourselves as higher than others. God is not asking you to do supernatural things. We should be thinking about God every second of the day. When you go around a family you’ll often hear that you act just like another family member. Just the same, others should be looking at you and saying you act just like Jesus. When you leave the church tonight you’ll think about God for a little while but you’ll soon forget about Him.

There are people out there that are evil people that don’t think God loves them because of the things they do. This is a lie straight from the devil. Phil 4:8-9; one must subject themselves to learn, receive, hear, and see. 

Sober: means being in the right mind, not influenced by an outside source. In order to think soberly one must be sober. 

Being true: is the opposite of false. Jesus said He is the truth. Truth is genuine and fair.

Honest: means fair a decent.

Just: means it’s straight and righteous.

Pure: mean it’s not defiled or contaminated. One can’t take something that looks like sugar and make a cake.

Lovely: means pleasing or agreeable. When you love someone you don’t love them for what they’ve done but because it’s simply what one does for someone you care for.

Good report: means having integrity. 

Virtue: means being of a high moral standard. 

2 Cor 3:5; when life begins to unfold in front of you, the bad stuff begins, where do you go from there? Do you begin to dwell on the negative? Do you worry about what you can’t control?

Psalm 44:11

Prov 4:33

1 Chr 28:9; you must serve God with a willing mind. Do you really want to do what God wants you to do? Many people say they do but they really don’t. Most worry that God will call them into a third-world country. God is just looking for a willing soul to do the above-mentioned items.