Do You Really Believe That God Hears Your Prayers?

November 17, 2024

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Psalm 28:6-9

When you pray to God do you ask Him to help you to get things? God has already promised His children He would take care of them. We should be praying for those around us and not about ourselves. The lost people should be brought to God in our prayers continuously. If the Christian doesn’t do it then no one will do it. It’s up to us, the Christians! Think back to yourself when you were lost. Someone prayed for your lost soul and asked God to save it. They never gave up on your soul and never stopped asking God to save you.

When we do things on our own we will always mess things up. We should only be doing what He says to do. If we do what we think is right, we will always mess things up. 

God is our strength and our shield. He protects us coming and going. He is the only one who can see what is in front of us. We should be placing all of our faith and trust into His hands.

Do you truly believe that God hears your prayers when you pray? Do you have enough trust in Him that He is hearing you? Just because you pray and the answer isn’t what you wanted, did He hear you? Your heart must first be right with God for Him to hear from your heart. You can’t hide the evil in your heart from God. He knows what’s in there and youmust ask Him to clean it up. That is the only prayer He will hear from you if you have something in the way between Him and you.