Consider Jesus

March 24, 2021

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Hebrews 12:1-4

The people that we read about in Hebrews 11 are just ordinary people just as us but, their faith was great in God. Their God is just as extraordinary as ours today because He’s the same God. 
Churches are failing due to the pandemic and we find that the enemy thrives on this due to the confusion and destruction that he has created. The enemy will take your joy away if you let him. Noah was picked by God and he did a great thing but Noah was no more special than we are.
We read in Hebrews 12 about the reminders, the witnesses that are amongst us. Some are still alive today those that remain faithful even though the world comes against them. Even thought there are many of examples written in the Bible and even in our own lives that offer great encouragement, we see there is still a better way.
Hebrews 12:2
Looking unto Jesus
We should allow Him to hold us, lift us up, and quicken the flesh. How many times do we look unto something else besides Jesus for our help? So many times we look unto other thing for our help besides looking unto Jesus. We know the story of the disciple that walked on water and once he began to look away from Jesus he began to sink. We are just the same as he and take our eyes off of Jesus and He has to help us back up. Many will say that’s not hard and will also agree that we should keep our focus on Jesus and yet we can’t do it. 
Jesus gives you the faith. Once you’re invited to be saved Jesus gives you the faith to understand that you’re lost. He gives you just enough to grant you the ability to believe. Jesus at that point try’s to grow your faith until your time is called to go home. Your faith also has an expiration date. Faith is not necessary once you’re dead because you’ll then be seeing Him and being in His presence.
Consider Jesus
Jesus endured the cross for our discussing sin. We want to just give up when we come up against something hard, yet Jesus endured the cross. Jesus seen the joy thru the pain and suffering. This world is not our home and just like Jesus we will go and be with the Heavenly Father. We should look to those that are an encouragement to us to push ourselves with Christ. These are great people that offer great help. However, we should also look to Jesus sand take His example of his crucified and His endurance of His trial. Shame and humiliation was endured at the cross. What makes one think that our life was going to be a lot better than His? Jesus was very clear that if we follow Him then we will be persecuted for His namesake.
Jesus is the life giver and yet he was put to death. His death was to give us life. Jesus never deserved death and His torture because He was flawless. Jesus was without blame, sinless. We deserve to be treated as a thief because we are filthy and nasty in our sins and trespassing. Jesus was perfect in every way and yet was beat and scourged all the while He never opened His mouth. They then took him weak body and nailed it to a cross still not to open His mouth.