Confidence in Him

August 12, 2020

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: Psalm 27:6-14

One needs to know what they believe and have assuring in it. The darker it gets the better the light will shine thru. The light that was given when saved can not go out and will not go out.

There are those of us that while praying we will begin to start talking to ourselves instead of to the one we need to. David has the same problem as us. In verse 10 we see this.

Psalm 27:10; God will never leave.
We see that David realized that God would never leave him. What a great confidence booster to know that God will never leave his children. How many of you have scriptures or daily reminders that boost your confidence?

Psalm 27:13; God will deliver.
This wasn’t the first time that God hadn’t delivered him from his enemies. David had already killed the bear, slain Goliath, and others just the same. This was praise unto God for remembering that God could deliver him and will do it again.

Psalm 27:14; Wait on God and be encouraged.
How many times has fear been a “giant” in your life? God said He would never leave or forsake His children. Don’t worry about tomorrow.

God can not be defeated. We do not know what’s going on in this world. But God will have the glory and will win this thing.

Don’t give up. Keep the faith. Wait upon the Lord.