Be An Example Of The Believers

May 19, 2024

Series: Misc Sermons

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Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:6-12

A note to the graduates, life is hard. There are a lot of things in an adult life that just don’t make sense. 

To the young adults graduating, to the church, and also to Christ you are representatives. You are an ambassador to Christ and it goes beyond your education, friends, or spouse. Several folks have been raised in the church with sound doctrine and it will support them throughout their life. As a child, it will go with them through their life as well. 

As a high school graduate, your college education will most likely include a time when they will try to influence you that there is a better way. There might be a lot of things that man has tried to create that look very appealing. Don’t drink the “Kool-aid”! The flesh wants what it thinks is good. The devil has lied about bigger and better things since the beginning of time. Stick to what you know is true and good. In the last days, there will be people who will turn away from God and turn towards fleshly desires. They will have a form of godliness but will not know God. The devil wants you to fail. He is always throwing his darts at you to bring you down. Keep your guard up at all times.

The world is out to take God down and everyone that is for Him. We should always be exercising GodlinessIf you sow to the flesh you will reap the whirlwind of the world. If you sow to God’s glory then you will reap His blessings and glory. This is a good exercise to sow for God. When you exercise your faith in God then you will always have a spotter. Not only will you have other Godly friends but you’ll have God that will never leave you no matter the time. Being Godly means you must work towards it all the time. It’s not a switch that you just turn on whenever you want to be Godly. It’s an exercise that must be done at all times. If you’re exercising Godliness others will see it. If they see a wavering life they will not ask for your help because they can’t trust you. However, if you live a life of Christ then they will see your unwavering devotion and will want to know how you do it.

The devil wants people to think they’re alone. He wants you to think that no one cares. If you’ve been born again then you will NEVER be alone. It matters how you live! As a Christian, we are all in it together and you are not alone. Don’t ever think you are above being deceived. Many Christians have laid down their cross because of the lies of the devil. Don’t ever lose faith! As a Christian, you know of many other Christians that you can always reach out to for help if you ever need it. Don’t let the devil slip you up, turn to Christ.

Generally speaking, an 18-year-old follows their flesh. They go into drugs, dress, conversation, promiscuous behavior, etc. They will follow into the life of the world. They do this because of their youthful way of thinking. You will reap what you sow. If you live this lifestyle then you will have scars to show for it. It’s a deadly lifestyle and will lead to death and Hell if you’re not saved. 

Word & Conversation. The things you’ve been taught. There are things about God that most don’t know. Be an example of those things. Also, your speech can betray you if you’re not careful.

Love & Spirit. Agape love, if you don’t love Christ then it makes it hard to love those that seem unlovable.

Faith. Simply believe in God. You won’t be able to see Him at times but anchor yourself in Him. 

Purity. There is no substitute for a Godly life. Sexually, you need to stay pure. It matters what goes into your mouth and comes out of it. You can’t live the way you want to and it does not matter. That’s one of the biggest lies from the devil.